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The government has released statistics showing that, between March 2021 - March 2022, Brits ate the least amount of meat at home since records began in the 1970s. This is fantastic! But, let's take a deeper dive into this.
Whether enriched, barn, or free-range commercial egg production presents the same problems. Hens endure broken bones, feather pecking, and overcrowding.
Hatcheries are the first step of a system that views chickens as products. Despite dealing with eggs, hatcheries have a major impact on chicken welfare.
Climate Change is harming the planet and meat is a big cause. But why? Learn how meat consumption is emitting greenhouse gases and harming biodiversity.
Scientists say that people need to eat less meat. Here is how that will help the environment.
The vegan diet has ten major health benefits. Read more about how eating plant-based can help ward off disease, lose weight, and even extend your life.
Nothing about factory farms is good for the environment. They pollute air and water, drive deforestation, and hurt rural communities while endangering wildlife.
Animals experience cruelty from humans in many different contexts. Wherever they are being used for profit, they are vulnerable to…
Fast food, like KFC chicken, is linked to high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. Learn more about the negative health effects behind fried chicken.
Adopting a vegan diet is one of the best things we can do for the environment. Doing so is good for water, air, land, and animals, both farmed and wild.
The majority of farmed animals are raised on factory farms. Here are 11 reasons why this system is so cruel to animals.
Reducing emissions is key to helping the environment. Added benefits include improving public health and maintaining biodiversity.
We need major system change to tackle the climate and nature crises. But there’s also lots you can do in your own life to reduce your impact on the planet.
Soy is a healthy and nutritious source of protein. But, is it good for you?
Overgrazing causes lasting damage to ecosystems and biodiversity loss. Drivers include animal agriculture, overabundant wild animals, and climate change.
As the number of adult vegans booms, so does the number of baby vegans. There is no reason why little sprouts won’t grow up happy, healthy and thriving on an animal-free diet.
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